Virtual Meetings & Events
Helping Convene clients host successful meetings and events online with a customizable experience.
Convene was well-known for hosting in-person meetings and events of all sizes, but had to shut down all of its operations due to COVID-19. Since our business strategy pivoted from selling spaces and packages to host in-person meetings, my team was tasked with building out the MVP for our virtual meetings and events platform in around four months. Due to sparse resourcing on our design team, I had to lead project to launch.
Companies needed a way to continue hosting meetings and events with Convene. Our band-aid solution was to host everything using another streaming software while we built the MVP. We knew that this was missing key features that were important to our clients, and we saw an opportunity to build out a more robust experience that would also enhance our in person meetings and events once we were able to open our properties again.
Myself (Designer)
Kathleen Cunningham (Product Manager)
Since launch, the virtual platform created $1M+ in revenue. Companies were able to host virtual meetings and events with their own branding for up to 1,000+ attendees. Over 100 events were booked in the first 3 months with events scheduled well into June 2021. By the end of 2020, we successfully hosted more than 70 meetings.
Event Types & User needs
To learn more about the product space and our user needs we audited dozens of virtual meetings products, and conducted internal interviews with our sales, and production team, and external interviews with people who are attending virtual meetings and events.
At convene we host both large and small scale meetings. Typically they fall into either internal or external meeting types:
Internal: Town Halls, AGMs and Sales Kick Offs generally have an objective that is tied to learning, the seamless delivery of content and ability to participate through asking questions. These are normally attended by internal folks: Employees, board members etc. These are less likely to have sponsor/exhibitors.
External: These could be conferences and trade shows where an organizing company invites participants external to their organization to attend. Often there are sponsor and exhibitors at these types of events.